Monday, October 30, 2006


So now this is the REAL cora speaking to you....I see Jeremy has been very helpful and has put lots of stuff on the blog....some very creative stuff about the global warming, my new best friend ever, ziggy the poodle, and of course chocolate cake which is also a thing a really like. look at the other picture and wonder whether I might have put mushrooms in there that shouldn't which had massive effects on Jeremy's view of the world.....HAHA FUNNY :)
Ok that's sorted so now the serious stuff.
I've got two weeks left at school which starts getting kind of sad, but my god, it's just school. In the first week of my big holiday I'm gonna go travelling with Annalen, a mate from school and maybe another German girl which I don't know yet but she's new here and now I'm one of the cool people who can show those exchange students around. My next Kiwi Experience tour - rounf the South Island this time -will start on the 4th of Decemberfor . I am going to be "on the road" for about two weeks and a couple of days, stopping over in Dunedin to visit Philine and then getting back to Wellington. My dearest host family will be off to New York by that time but another friend from school, Emma, offered me to stay with her family so thats where Im gonna be for the last few days. AND THEN it's getting back to Berlin.....I don't really want to think about it even though I'm looking forward to seeing all you guys again. I DO!!!
Lots of love

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