Tuesday, October 03, 2006

day off in Taupo

Hey Guys,
just a short update on what I did today....
I went out on a sailing cruise on Lake Taupo to see the Maori Rock Carvings but it was a really cool trip and there were great views of the lake and the surrounding volcanoes.

later I caught the 'hot bus', a shuttle service which brought me to another Geothermal Reserve, the "craters of the moon" with some great features like a mud volcano and you could literally feel the heat under your shoes while listening to the quiet bubbling and swirling of the steam coming out of the earth and the boiling mud pools.

Anna Blandford & Jojo Helm at Craters of the Moon;July 2005
now I better finish off but more another day
lots of love

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Cora, erinnerst du dich an die Glühwürmchen-Rede von Thomas Mann? Vielleicht wusste er von diesen Höhlen?! Dein Reisebericht ist so dicht, dass ich ihn ein paar mal gelesen habe. Jeremy hat recht mit dem, was er über dein "creative writing" geschrieben hat... toll!
Erstmal ein erholsames Wochenende! mama