Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Summer Uniform

THE OFFICIAL summer uniform portrait ... with breakfast to go !!

Two summer Germans ... yeah right !!

Monday, October 30, 2006


So now this is the REAL cora speaking to you....I see Jeremy has been very helpful and has put lots of stuff on the blog....some very creative stuff about the global warming, my new best friend ever, ziggy the poodle, and of course chocolate cake which is also a thing a really like. look at the other picture and wonder whether I might have put mushrooms in there that shouldn't which had massive effects on Jeremy's view of the world.....HAHA FUNNY :)
Ok that's sorted so now the serious stuff.
I've got two weeks left at school which starts getting kind of sad, but my god, it's just school. In the first week of my big holiday I'm gonna go travelling with Annalen, a mate from school and maybe another German girl which I don't know yet but she's new here and now I'm one of the cool people who can show those exchange students around. My next Kiwi Experience tour - rounf the South Island this time -will start on the 4th of Decemberfor . I am going to be "on the road" for about two weeks and a couple of days, stopping over in Dunedin to visit Philine and then getting back to Wellington. My dearest host family will be off to New York by that time but another friend from school, Emma, offered me to stay with her family so thats where Im gonna be for the last few days. AND THEN it's getting back to Berlin.....I don't really want to think about it even though I'm looking forward to seeing all you guys again. I DO!!!
Lots of love

Global Warming in Wellington

Global Warming in Wellington ... we wish

Sunday, October 29, 2006

Creative Expression on a wet weekend


Schokolade Kucken


The COOK & The TASTER !!!!

Monday, October 23, 2006

Host Bro B'day

The making of the masterpiece

The birthday cake

Joshua's 17th birthday ... opening the presents this morning ... too early for some!!

... the Action men had to survive an overnight mauling by the dogs .. well at least one small black poodle who decided she needed a midnight snack !!!

Picnic dinner

Baby Boomers go mad in Wellington

Warratahs concert friday night at Chow ... baby boomers came out from hiding to groove with the Warratahs ... " all a bit embarrassing really !!!"

... ... some gig competition from "KORA"

New Zealand 1985 – at the height of 'new wave' and Kiwi pub rock - was an unlikely time to form a country band. However, a bunch of Wellington's musicians did just that. Called The Warratahs, the band's two-year residency at inner-city tavern The Cricketer's Arms drew increasingly large crowds, attracted by the mix of covers and originals in the style of Hank Williams, Jimmy Rogers and Hank Snow played in an acoustic style.
The Warratahs began touring and in 1987 turned up in Gore, at the bottom of New Zealand's South Island, for the legendary Gold Guitars country music awards. It was no surprise when, three days later, they walked away with the title of Best Group.
The band went into the studio in 1986 and recorded a Barry Saunders/Wayne Mason song Hands of My Heart. Released as a "single", the song received significant national airplay and led to the recording and release of The Warratahs' first long-player Only Game in Town in late 1987. The album spent 26 weeks in the charts and clocked up "gold" sales.
Covering the country, The Warratahs were now a full-time touring band reaching almost every part of New Zealand with their distinctive sound. A Saunders-penned song - Maureen - was lifted from the album and also received heavy airplay. Both "Maureen" and "Hands of My Heart" are still among the most-requested songs in The Warratahs' repertoire.
Like most bands who have extensively toured the relatively small New Zealand market, Australia soon beckoned and The Warratahs quickly built up a steady following in Sydney and Melbourne. New Zealand tours with Billy Joel and Johnny Cash (twice) followed, as well as their own headlining shows on both sides of the Tasman.

Operation Denim

Successful reconnoitre of the retail jungle to sample 7+ variations of denim jeans .. with the goal being achieved at Paris Texas with washed out black hi-rise stove pipes .... YES YES YES

decisions ... Decisions ... DECISIONS

Full on action demonstration of fashion power by "The Blonde in the Jeans"

Labour Weekend

wet wet wet .. and windy ... worst Labour Weekend weather in 10 years .. see http://www.stuff.co.nz/stuff/0,2106,3838774a6000,00.html

Saturday .. cricket ... but only played half a game due to the rain.
Rugby final but the Lions were beaten 37-31 by the MooLoos (diary cows) from Waikato ... BUGGER pork schnitzel, tiramisu for dinner; then ...
Sunday .. shopping, pizza, beer for dinner and movies " The Devil wears Prada" then ...
Monday is a holiday for "Labour Day"!!! .. shopping & supermarket and watched "LOTR ... The Return of the King" DVD .. chicken rendang for dinner, strawberries and hokey pokey icecream

Some German & Turkish .. we spied at the Dixon St Deli where we had food & coffee

... hitting the track with the saloon car championship

Host father suitably modified while sleeping on the couch

Ziggy licking her lips thinking about "Action Man" birthday cake !!!!!!!!!

Labour Day in New Zealand
In New Zealand, Labour Day is a public holiday held on the fourth Monday in October. Its origins are traced back to the eight-hour working day movement that arose in the newly founded Wellington colony in 1840, primarily because of carpenter Samuel Parnell's refusal to work more than eight hours a day. He encouraged other tradesman to also only work for eight hours a day and in October 1840 a workers' meeting passed a resolution supporting the idea. On 28 October 1890, the 50th anniversary of the eight-hour day was commemorated with a parade. The event was then celebrated annually in late October as either Labour Day or Eight-Hour Demonstration Day. In 1899 government legislated that the day be a public holiday from 1900. The day was celebrated on different days in different provinces. This led to ship owners complaining that seamen were taking excessive holidays by having one Labour Day in one port then another in their next port. In 1910 the government "Mondayised" the holiday so that it would be observed on the same day throughout the nation.