Saturday, September 30, 2006


Hi Guys
that's gonna be a short post as I'm really tired and I also have to get my washing out of the laundry room before someone else does.... I'm staying at Treks Backpackers in Rotorua at the moment, Rotorua is maori and can be translated as "an evil-smelling place" which points it out quite well....rotorua has its unique smell of rotten eggs from all the sulphur from the geothermal activities in the area. it's situated directly where the tectonic plates meet and is a heavy earthquake and volcano spot. we arrived too late today so i couldn't do any of the Geothermal parks (but I'll probably see them with Annalen, we're planning to do a weekend in rotorua together as there's heaps of cool stuff do do - as an example rotorua is the only place in the world where you can do 'zorbing', means rolling down a hill in a plastic ball very fast and if you like it wet you can also have a few buckets of water with you...sounds strange? i suppose it is) .

and it looked like rain and i decided for the Rotorua museum which is more interesting than i thought it would be, it was some stuff about the local maori tribe and information on the volcano activity as the last big eruption killed a whole village about hundred years ago.
I then headed to the 'Fat Dog' which is told to be Rotorua's best cafe.... honestly, it is a nice place and i had some coffee there (and there might also have been a tiny little piece of chocolate cake) and time to catch up with writing postcards and completing my travel diary.
it was followed by a thing i really wanted to do because i enjoyed it pretty much when my host family took me there. there's a Polynesian Spa in rotorua, rated as one of the best spas in the're soaking away in the hot thermal pools while having a great view on lake rotorua, another crater lake. it's kind of scary to realise you're just sitting in a huge crater even though the volcano under your feet is (probably) asleep.
So now i'm here at the backpackers, looking forward to a day full of action in waitomo where the famous glow-worm caves are.
i'm having a great time but of course i miss all of you....
lots of love

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Cora ... tthg .. "the travelling hungry german" .. thanks for doing the travel story ... really good stuff ... don't get lost down a dark hole !! love from FJJ