Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Cora #18

Cora ... I hope this works OK as I suspect the movie is too large (82MB) for email transmission via the usual routes ... I did the movie outside IKO IKO in Cuba Mall tonight 8:30pm .. while Fay was at her meditation class ... Josh was at soccer practice in Tawa ... Anna is down in Dunedin visiting her boyfriend who is at Otago Uni ... it is uni holidays at present.

A cool wet night here
... but wanted to be somewhere that would evoke some memories and smiles of your time down under in New Zealand. Every birthday is special
... YES even for me !! and I've had a few ... as the song says ... but I suppose 16, 18 and 21 are the special ones.

Well we had a great summer

... look at the Wellington daily photo blog
... the Inka Jojo Travel blog

... the cat is great ... my turquoise Jaguar XJR
... the dog ... ZIGGY as mad as ever
... and me just a quiet conservative baby boomer .... YEAH RIGHT

lots of love to you on another special day for THG ... blow out a candle for me

SKF #2